Friday, 8 July 2011

Martial Arts In Malaysia

Art is an art to defend themselves as a means to a person in self-defense. It is the tradition of fighting with or without weapons, and often without using guns or other modern weapons. Martial arts can be said there is every where around the world and almost every country has a martial art developed either locally or modified from the martial art that seeps out. For example, martial arts is a martial art that flourished in the ASEAN countries and in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Brunei. Martial arts are divided into several types of armed combat art sharp, not sharp weapons such as wood, and the art of empty hand combat. Among the types of popular martial arts are as follows: -


-Among the ancient Malay weapons commonly used by the PPS are as kris, Badik, kerambit, machetes, swords, lading, Punch Pepper, tekpi, rod, tembong and Sword. Normally, students or new students will focus on empty hand combat skills before being taught to play weapon. Silat movements divided into flowers (as if the dance movement, also known as art or dance) and fruit (or fruit shot at). However, there are flows which have only fruit and fruit such as Silat Tiny Bentayan. Fine arts allows its use as an offering in a gathering, but almost every stream has a 'dance call' includes flows that do not have flowers. Worship dance was performed to identify themselves and the flow represented / studied. In a fight situation, the beginning steps of the worship dance, or just from the interest shown enable the PPS to recognize partners aligned and enable the situation ended with a peace and tolerance.


-Martial also has a variety by Country.
In Indonesia, silat was selected in 1948 as a trade term for their self defense art. It is a compound word from two terms commonly used for self defense art in Indonesia. VAT is the term used in central and eastern Java, while silat is used in Sumatra. In modern usage, rolling in and silat is seen as two aspects of the same practices. VAT is the aspect of self-presentation on the art of defense, whereas the essence of martial arts fights and self defense.
In Bali, with a population (94%) Hindu, silat is a power of unions in each district and almost every village to take place every morning and evening by one of two organizations: the National and Kertha Wisesa Bakti.
In Malaysia, silat is a term used as an umbrella term for all the Malay art of self defense. Examples of silat styles in Malaysia is the Tiger Claw Martial, Martial Pancasila, Martial Arts Gayong and more.
In Malaysia also, Teaching Martial named by the community as Minangkabau Silat, Silat Bugis, Javanese and Silat Martial Temple. There is also a teacher named by the district as Gayong Fatani Silat, Silat Kedah Gayungman, Silat Silat Fruit Cream Drive Mersing and Singapore. There is also a teacher named by figures such as Hang Tuah Silat, Silat Tiny Ustaz Hanafi, Silat Martial Mat flash and tilt Hj Hamid. There is also a teacher named according to the movements and semanagat animal motifs such as Martial Eagle, Turtle Silat, Silat Harimau Silat Sea and Siamang.


-Taekwondo is a Korean martial art which is most famous. It comes from Korea, and was introduced around the world.
In Korean, Tae means "punch"; Kwon means "kick" and Do means "way" or "art". So, Taekwondo can be translated roughly as "the art of kicking and punching".

Taekwondo has a number of belt color to indicate a level or rank is a martial arts practitioner.

1. white
2. yellow
3. green
4. blue
5. red
6. black

Each belt has two levels or ranks before he was promoted to the next. Has nine levels of black belt. Level or rank of black belt is called the "And". Holders 10 and only 5 persons in the world and they are all descended from Korea.
When a person reaches stage 4 and they are eligible to open an academy class of its own.
In Malaysia there are several local Taekwondo Association under the auspices of several international taekwondo association, including:

1. World Taekwondo Federation (WTF)
2. International Taekwondo Federation (ITF)
3. Global Taekwondo Federation (GTF)

The difference between the ITF and GTF WTF is matapelajarannya.
WTF more concerned with aspects of the sport where it has been recognized by the Olympic Council and has become one of the events at the Olympics since 2000 the Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia.
ITF and GTF was more concerned with aspects of the arts. Unlike the WTF, the two associations want to maintain the art of Taekwondo for thousands of years old, and not just to collect points when a competition was held.




-Karate or karate-do is one of eastern martial arts. In general, karate is illustrated by the attack of motion and protection of hands and feet thoroughly.
-Basic karate are the same, but there are a variety of karate styles or trends. Among mainstream karate is as follows:

1. Shotokan
2. Shito-Ryu
3. Sholin-Ryu
4. Goju-Ryu
5. Wado-Ryu
6. Shorinji Kempo

Karate can also be categorized as traditional flow and modern trend.

Traditionally focused on aspects of the flow of martial arts and combat while the modern trend is to focus on sports or competition.

Basic karate training is divided into three levels:

1. Kihon. It is a basic technique karate training skills, such as punching, kicking, parry and evade.

2. Said. It is training karate styles or flowers.

3. Kumite. It is the training or martial arts fighter.



-Silambam has been established as one of martial arts among the Indians and also become a tradition among the Indians.

-Silambam or Silambattam or Chilambam, a traditional Dravidian martial art based on stick fighting. This style is believed to originate from Kerala Hill Kurinji now, 5,000 years ago, where the locals use bamboo sticks to defend themselves from wild animals.
-Silambam refers to rod or stick fighting style. Rod length is usually about 1.68 meters. Associated with height rod size silambam users. It should touch the forehead about three fingers from the top of the head, although a different term used in different situations. During the three-foot timber known as "sedikutchi" can be carried on secretly. Different training required to handle different rod length. Normal, including a rod at one end, the right hand is back, his left arm about 40 centimeters (16 inches) from it. This position allows a variety of body movements-and-stick, including a complex attack and defense. Silambam unarmed practitioner to use some peregrakan based on animal movement patterns, especially the form of a snake and an eagle.


Those who are just learning the foot movements are taught patterns that they need to master before study turning techniques, patterns, and methods to change their rotation without stopping the movement of a walking stick. Footwork is key to Silambam. There are sixteen of these four major movements. The main goal is training to defend themselves from attack several armed enemies.


-Boxing is a martial art popular among the Malays in Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu in the north of Peninsular Malaysia.
-Siamese Boxing originally from Thailand (Muay Thai) is famous for its agility and dangerous than boxing, which only use the hands only. In practice, Boxing and Muay Thai is no big difference.
Boxing a lot of hands, elbows, feet and knees. Speed ​​and agility boxing players are very important when dealing with opponents. Generally, the player has a level of fitness boxing and physical stress is high enough.


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